Okay, so, let’s talk about this whole “Taurus woman and Taurus woman” thing. I got curious about this pairing, and let me tell you, it’s been a bit of a ride. See, I met this woman, Sarah, and we hit it off immediately. We’re both Taurus, born just a few days apart. I started digging around to see what the stars had to say about two Taurus women together.

I found out that Venus rules Taurus. Makes sense, right? We both love beautiful things, good food, and being cozy. Also, we’re both as stubborn as they come. And I mean STUBBORN. You wouldn’t believe the little things we can get hung up on. We spent almost one hour to choose one restaurant for dinner, unbelievable, right?
First, I started just browsing around, seeing what the general vibe was for Taurus-Taurus relationships. Lots of talk about stability, loyalty, and a shared love for the finer things in life. All of that sounded pretty good to me. Then I got to work observing our interactions, our habits, our tendencies, both the good and the not-so-good.
Our Little Experiment
So, I thought, why not turn this into a little experiment? I started keeping a journal, nothing fancy, just jotting down our interactions, how we handled disagreements, and the things we enjoyed doing together.
The Good: We had an amazing time together. We cooked elaborate meals, went on long walks in nature, and just enjoyed each other’s company. There was this deep understanding between us, like we just got each other without having to say much. And the loyalty? Off the charts. We had each other’s backs, no matter what.
The Not-So-Good: Oh boy, the stubbornness. Like I said, it’s real. We once spent an hour arguing about which movie to watch. An hour! And neither of us would budge. Also, we both tend to be a little possessive, which caused some friction early on. There was this one time where I got a little jealous over a friend of hers, and it turned into a whole thing. We really had to learn to communicate better to avoid those situations.
I wrote down everything, trying to be as objective as possible. I even made little charts, which was kind of fun. I’m not gonna lie, it wasn’t always easy. I really had to look at myself and my own behavior, too, not just hers. It was a bit of a learning process. But hey, this was the first time I had a partner with the same Zodiac sign as me, and I’m glad I gave it a try.
After a few months of this, I started to see patterns. We were great when we were aligned, but when we clashed, it was like two bulls locking horns. I realized that for this to work long-term, we both needed to work on our communication and learn to compromise. Trying to get inside a Taurus woman’s head is like trying to crack a safe, but it’s worth it once you’re in. That’s it, the whole record. You might find it helpful if you are dating a Taurus woman.