Okay, so, today, I messed around with this thing called a “should we break up quiz.” It’s basically a bunch of questions that are supposed to help you figure out if your relationship is, you know, toast. I went into this whole thing kinda skeptical, but I figured, why not? Might as well see what all the fuss is about. I grabbed a pen and some paper and started jotting down some notes as I went through it.
First off, I tried to find a decent quiz online. I spent a good chunk of my morning looking, and I stumbled upon a few that looked okay. They all had similar questions, things like “How often do you and your partner argue?” or “Do you still have fun together?” Stuff like that. I decided to create my own, kind of a mix and match of the questions I found.
I spent some time writing down the questions, and let me tell you, it was a bit weird. Thinking about my own relationship in such a, like, analytical way. I’ve never really done that before. There were questions about trust, communication, and even intimacy. I felt a bit odd, kind of like I was doing a relationship audit.
After I had my list, I answered them as honestly as I could. Some were easy, some were a little tougher, and made me think a lot. And there were a few that I felt kind of sad answering, to be honest. I realized that some areas of my relationship weren’t exactly what I wanted. But there were a few that really made me smile, because it reminded me of the good things. After I finished answering, I added up the “score” based on how the quiz said to do it. That’s where the real eye-opener came in. It was a bit of a shock to see it all laid out like that.
Then I sat down and really thought about what I wrote. I also read some stuff online about the difference between “breaking up” and taking “a break.” Apparently, “a break” means the relationship is just off temporarily. Makes sense, I guess. That helped me to look at my own situation a bit more clearly. I also tried to recall some of my friend’s relationships. Some of them had gone through rough patches but figured things out. Others, well, they ended.
Here’s what I came up with, my own little “Should We Break Up” quiz, after all that work:
- How often do you and your partner really talk, like, have a proper conversation?
- Do you still laugh together? You know, like, actually enjoy each other’s company?
- When something good happens, who’s the first person you want to tell?
- Do you feel like you can be yourself around them, or are you always putting on an act?
- Do you still make an effort for each other, little things, big things, whatever?
- How often do you argue, and how do you handle it when you do?
- Do you trust them completely? Like, with everything?
- Do you still find them attractive, both inside and out?
- Do you feel respected and appreciated by them?
- When you think about the future, do you see them in it?
So, after doing this whole quiz thing, I learned a few things. It’s not just about the “score” you get. It’s more about forcing yourself to think about your relationship in a way you normally wouldn’t. It’s like, taking a step back and looking at the big picture. It was a bit of a rollercoaster, to be honest. Some parts were tough, but overall, I think it was worth it. It gave me a lot to think about, that’s for sure. And I guess that’s what this whole process was about. So, yeah, that was my experience with the “should we break up quiz”. Definitely a unique day, I’ll give it that.
The End Result:
Doing that quiz really made me see things differently. It wasn’t fun all the time, but it was definitely helpful. I have a lot to think about now, but I feel like I’m in a better place to make some decisions. This whole thing has been like a wake-up call, and I’m glad I did it.