Men and Anal: What’s the Big Deal?
You know, some folks talk about this stuff, some don’t. But it’s out there, ain’t it? Men doin’ it with other men, men doin’ it with women. What they doin’? Well, they call it anal sex. I ain’t gonna lie, I didn’t hear nothin’ ‘bout this back in my day. But times change, I guess.
So, what is this anal thing all about? Well, it’s like this, it ain’t the usual way, you know? Normally, it’s, well, you know… the other way around. But some folks, they like it this way. Men with men, sure, that makes sense, I guess. But men with women too? That’s somethin’ new to me.
- Is it normal? Who am I to say what’s normal? If folks like it and ain’t hurtin’ nobody, I reckon it’s their business. Some say it’s just fine, others ain’t so sure. It really depends on what you and your partner want, you know, what makes you comfortable.
- How many people doin’ it? Heck if I know! They say lots of folks do, but I ain’t countin’. Some say it’s common, some say it ain’t. Hard to tell, really. They got all these numbers and statistics, but I ain’t got time for that.
- Is it just for gay folks? Nope, not accordin’ to what I hear. They say straight folks do it too. Man, woman, doesn’t matter I guess. If they wanna, they gonna do it. It ain’t about who you like, it’s about what you like doin’, I suppose.
Now, I heard some things about this. Like, you gotta be careful, you know? It ain’t like the other way, things are different down there. They talk about all sorts of stuff you gotta do to get ready. Cleanin’ and such. Sounds like a whole lotta trouble to me, but hey, to each their own.
I heard this doctor fella, he talks about this stuff openly. He ain’t shy about it. He tells folks how to do it right, how to stay safe. Good for him, I guess. Someone’s gotta talk about it, right? Folks got questions, they need answers.
And then there’s this other thing, about tops and bottoms. I didn’t understand it at first. But it’s like, who’s doin’ what, you know? Who’s on top, who’s on bottom. Seems like there’s a whole lot to it, more than I thought. They even got lists, like “15 things only bottoms understand.” Can you believe it? The world’s a changin’ place, I tell ya.
When we talk about men and anal, we’re talkin’ ’bout the penis goin’ in, you see? That’s what it means. It ain’t rocket science, just plain talk. Sometimes you gotta be direct, gotta say it like it is.
So, to answer the question, what’s the big deal about men and anal? Well, it’s a thing some folks do. It ain’t for everyone, that’s for sure. But for some, it’s just part of life, part of their relationship. It’s about pleasure, about connection. It’s about what makes them happy. And as long as they ain’t hurtin’ nobody, I say, let ’em be.
I ain’t here to judge. I’m just tellin’ it like I see it, like I hear it. The world’s a big place, full of different folks doin’ different things. And as long as they’re doin’ it safe and doin’ it with respect, well, that’s all that matters, ain’t it?
And if you’re thinkin’ ‘bout tryin’ it, well, do your research. Talk to your partner. Be safe. That’s the most important thing. Don’t go into it blind. Know what you’re doin’. And if it ain’t for you, that’s alright too. There’s plenty of other ways to, you know, be close to someone.
So there you have it. Men and anal. It’s a thing. And now you know a little bit about it, too.