Well, let me tell ya, when it comes to relationships, there’s somethin’ that’s real bad for ‘em. I heard it called the “four horsemen of the relationship apocalypse.” Sounds real scary, don’t it? And it is. These four things can tear a relationship apart faster than you can say “I do.” They’re Criticism, Contempt, Defensiveness, and Stonewalling. Now, don’t get me wrong, every couple has their fights. But when these four things start showin’ up, you better be worried, ‘cause they ain’t no good for any relationship, no matter how strong ya think it is.

First up, we got Criticism. Now, Criticism ain’t just about pointin’ out little things that annoy ya. Nope, it’s when you go and attack the other person’s character or their whole self. You might say somethin’ like, “You always mess things up, you never listen to me,” and that ain’t the way to fix things. When you criticize like that, you’re not just talkin’ about the problem, you’re sayin’ there’s somethin’ wrong with them as a person. And that right there is a big ol’ red flag. Nobody wants to feel like they’re not good enough. Not in a relationship, not ever.
Then, there’s Contempt. Now, Contempt is even worse than Criticism. Contempt’s when you act like the other person is beneath ya, like they ain’t worth your time or respect. You might roll your eyes at ’em, mock ’em, or just flat out belittle ‘em. When you start showin’ contempt, you’re treatin’ ‘em like they’re not even human. And let me tell ya, once you get to that point, things are gonna go downhill fast. Ain’t no relationship can survive with that kind of attitude. You can’t fix a problem when you’re lookin’ down on your partner like that.
Now, the third horseman is Defensiveness. This one’s a real sneaky one. It’s when you start protectin’ yourself from any sort of criticism, even when it ain’t there. Maybe your partner’s sayin’ somethin’ like, “Why didn’t you take care of that thing?” and instead of hearin’ them out, you go straight into defense mode. You start makin’ excuses, pointin’ fingers, or just denyin’ everything. But here’s the thing: when you’re always on the defensive, you’re not actually listenin’ or tryin’ to fix nothin’. All you’re doin’ is pushin’ ‘em away and avoidin’ the problem. That’s a bad way to handle things, no doubt about it.
Last but not least, we got Stonewalling. Now, Stonewallin’ is just as bad as it sounds. It’s when one person just shuts down completely and refuses to talk. You might be tryin’ to have a conversation, tryin’ to fix things, but your partner just sits there, silent as a rock. They might not even look at ya. Now, when this happens, the problem’s not gonna get solved. You’re just standin’ there, feelin’ like you’re talkin’ to a wall, and that’s gonna make things worse. No communication, no resolution, just silence. And silence is a killer in a relationship.
Now, all these horsemen, they might sound real bad – and they are – but the good news is, you can get rid of ’em. You don’t have to just sit there and watch your relationship fall apart. There’s ways to handle things better, to replace these bad habits with good ones. So let’s talk about the antidotes for each horseman.

- For Criticism, instead of attackin’ your partner’s character, focus on the problem at hand and how it makes you feel. Like sayin’, “I feel upset when the dishes aren’t done,” instead of “You never help with the chores.” See how that’s different?
- For Contempt, start treatin’ each other with respect. Don’t roll your eyes, don’t mock ’em. If you feel like you’re startin’ to get angry, step away and calm down before it gets ugly.
- For Defensiveness, instead of makin’ excuses, listen to your partner’s concerns. Own up to your mistakes and work together to fix ‘em. Ain’t no shame in admitin’ when you’re wrong.
- For Stonewalling, start talkin’ again. Don’t shut down, even if it’s hard. If you’re upset, take a break, but always come back to the conversation. Communicating is key, ya hear?
So, there you have it. The four horsemen of the relationship apocalypse are real, but they can be defeated. All you gotta do is recognize when they show up and work on replacin’ ’em with healthier habits. Love ain’t always easy, but it’s worth fightin’ for. So, next time you’re havin’ a disagreement, take a step back and think: am I bein’ critical? Am I showin’ contempt? Am I gettin’ defensive or just not talkin’ at all? If so, you know what to do. Fix it before it gets worse.
Tags:[relationship tips, relationship communication, relationship advice, healthy communication, relationship problems, Gottman theory]